Criteria for Submissions

Our submission is basic:

1.  Photographic Artists must be born and bred African – this means any you need to be a citizen of the African Union.

2. For now, we would like to only entertain submissions from artists living within the borders of the African Union, we may upon request, include those artists who are living abroad.

3. You have to own the copyright.  As part of your take-on process, you will be required to indemnify against any copyright claims.

4. We will need to review 5 (five) of your best pieces of work and if accepted, you will be required to constantly add to your portfolio.

5. Should your work meet our criteria and be included in our catalogue, you will need to sign an agreement with us.  This will outline your royalty payments, licensing rights and protect both your and our interests.  We will, in most cases, require and exclusive selling right for a period of time.

6. Email you images to us at : – we look forward to meeting you.