About apertoo.com

The initial idea behind apertoo.com has been very simple: create an online platform for photographic artists from the African continent to be able to expose and sell their work to the World.

Time, has been in short supply from my side, but certainly not optimism.  There were a few challenges which I didn’t foresee – the time to talk to artists to get their work listed, the technical issues behind the scene and also funding (which I have been doing myself).  The funding issue has resulted in limited marketing spend – with most of the invitations for artists to list their work being done personally by myself.  This is clearly unsustainable.

So this is what I plan to do in the next few months:

  1. Continue with a low-level approach to photographic artists
  2. Consider opening the platform to all wall-artists
  3. Look at alternative crowd-funding platforms
  4. Continue to build the international marketing database
  5. Continue the vision as I firmly believe that there should be one common platform from which continental artists can display their work.

So I will keep the monthly updates going as this is a living working start-up project.

David Epstein – Founder apertoo.com